Saturday, December 24, 2016

Supersonic Holiday Greetings

Here's hoping only good things launch for everybody in 2017! 

MikeDraws cat dog space fish

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Flying Fingers

Watch fingers fly as I push markers around on whiteboard sketch videos for a wide range of clients on my YouTube Channel. Keep in mind I created many of the visual concepts and came up with the storyboards too. Catch them right here: The MikeDraws Network

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sleep-Deprived Sketching

How 'bout making a routine coffee and snack service on my early-morning flight to a recent job into a frenzied quick sketch? 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Logo-A-Go-Go Part 2

Here's another batch of logos, headers and borders- this set has the "whimsy" toned down compared to my previous post featuring logos (find them here)... 

Logo development showing the rough ideas to the finished, color design created for the nice people at the Charter School of the Dunes in Gary, IN. :

Business card for a innovation and creativity consultant company:

This logo set the identity for a display showroom in a major food manufacturer's innovation space:

I designed the labels and created the food illustrations and hand-lettering that freshened up a set of fragrant home candles:

"Power Headers" used for sections of a corporate leadership workshop manual: 

Logo created for a Chicago Art Director:

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Big Little Things

Here's a look at the details from some of my Graphic Recording projects featuring smaller pictures that pack the punch that'll lead to knockout meetings.

There's a lot more to look at on my Behance page- take a look right here

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Logo a Go-Go

Dusted off a few old logos I've done to show a colleague. They're for a variety of small businesses, events, and product launches. Have a look and let me know what you think...

Here's a Buddha-like figure offering a new way to think of corporate innovation and creativity.

Bulldog Brewery

The 2015 Creative Problem-Solving Institute Annual Conference.
Striking a stern pose with the 2014 Creative Problem Solving Conference logo
as poster and program cover.

Pacific Palisades annual July Fourth Celebration.

Logo for a series of milk-based treats.

"Mr.Radio"-a Chicago-based news podcast.

The finished logo shown with the rough ideas for a sports equipment recycling program.

Sales event logo.

Proposed sports-themed restaurant logo.

Another version of the sports-themed logo as wall mural.

A blog header for a healthy lifestyle activist. This was a fun project as I designed the logo, illustrated the caricature and created the background too.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Space Pets

While looking for tax info I uncovered these characters, who, with some fresh ink and a little TLC, just may make a new appearance in some form sometime soon...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

New Old Tools

While I bang around on a Wacom Tablet and look forward to a iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, I just picked up a Koi Pocket watercolor kit for some old-school sketching and painting. See more here 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

7-Day Work Week Meditation

My workload definitely calls for more time over the weekend: either to work on client jobs or my own projects. You bet I don't mind, because as a freelancer I've always followed a simple policy to just grin and bear it. Check it out right here...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Keeping the Lights Burning Bright Sketch Video


Here's a video I illustrated that tells how GE collaborates with the Korean Southern Power Company (KOSPO) to keep South Korea thriving with cleaner, sustainable and more efficient power generation by enhancing the value of their existing power sites.

This project was different from the other whiteboard videos here and here since I was spared the hot studio lights (but missed some good company) and created all the visuals and color sequences from the home studio based on a script from The Moutain View Group, whose incredibly talented team put it all together to create yet another knock out video.