Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Milk Mustaches for All!

Watch the milk flow as this video shows the big role Ecolab plays in making milk cleaner, safer, and, of course, tastier from "Cow to Cup"... I storyboarded and illustrated the art under the direction of MixDesign Inc. and Daryl Myers of Outpost.Video produced and made the magic happen.  Raise that cold glass of moo juice and watch the show! (And you can see more of my videos on my YouTube Channel: MikeDrawsIt

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Scare up Some Business

Treat yourself and your presentations to my illustration for your consumer products and experiences, as well as all manner of corporate communications like mission statements and vision maps. Put my 20+ years of versatile illustration experience with worldwide clients to work for you.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fancy Pants

Keeping my ears wide open for insights and comments while sketching at ideation sessions can create a wealth of additional image ideas. I'll quickly create a picture based on a overheard comment that I think can spark a new insight -or add momentum to the proceedings. Are the images useful?- I'd say its better to create and include them than leave them on the table (I like to think that I see ideas floating around at work sessions and its up to me to grab and visualize them).
Here's one example: a sharp-dressed man wearing a workshop-inspired comment. What better way to stand out than stand up with an outfit that speaks volumes! 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Throwing Strikes

Make you next biz pitch unhittable with my can't-miss illustration skills. From consumer product illustration, storyboarding a customer experience, or bringing a corporate mission to life, I'll throw my versatile 25 years of experience at your new project and bring home fresh solutions that score with pinpoint accuracy and enthusiasm. What can I draw for you today?

Get more information at

Tuesday, January 1, 2019